
How an Undue Influence Claim Can Invalidate a Will – Lulich & Attorneys

How an Undue Influence Claim Can Invalidate a Will – Lulich & Attorneys There are several grounds why a Florida court may decide not to probate a will: One common ground for denying probate is called “undue influence.” In short, beneficiaries who have been cut out of a will or have been chosen to receive less than that what they would normally get sometimes argue that the decedent […]

The Consequences of Dying without a Will in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys

The Consequences of Dying without a Will in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys Everyone who is married, has children, or has substantial assets should consider preparing a will. With a will, you can direct who gets your property instead of giving the state of Florida the authority to distribute your property. With a will, you can direct who raises your children. If you don’t have a will, the […]

Factors in Choosing a Personal Representative for Your Estate – Lulich & Attorneys

Factors in Choosing a Personal Representative for Your Estate – Lulich & Attorneys It is critical that you choose the correct personal representative to handle your estate after you die. You can appoint the personal representative in your will. The personal representative identifies and collects all your assets, pays all your bills, accounts for all your money, and distributes the assets to the correct heirs. The correct personal […]

When to Use a Pour-Over Will – Lulich & Attorneys

When to Use a Pour-Over Will – Lulich & Attorneys The trust document A pour-over will is normally created in combination with a trust agreement. An experienced Vero Beach estate planning lawyer can explain how these documents work and the pros and cons of each document. A trust agreement is used by a senior or the person planning his/her estate. The creator of the trust […]

Estate Planning Considerations for Parents with Children – Lulich & Attorneys

Estate Planning Considerations for Parents with Children – Lulich & Attorneys One of the fundamental rules of financial planning is – for parents with children, you need to think through how you will provide for them when you die. It’s part and parcel of being a good parent. Taking care of your children essentially means two things. The first is providing for their financial needs so […]

What Is A Self Proving Affidavit?

What Is A Self Proving Affidavit? The Benefits of a Self Proving Affidavit   A self-proving affidavit to a will can save a tremendous amount of time. This affidavit saves the trouble of trying to prove Without the affidavit, when a will is admitted to the probate court, the witnesses to the will must authenticate the content of it. However, a self-proving […]

Who Acquires Control Of Your Business Interests if You Don’t Have a Will?

Who Acquires Control Of Your Business Interests if You Don’t Have a Will? Who inherits your business if you die without a will? Planning for death includes thinking about your business interests. With effective planning, our Florida wills lawyer (s) can determine: The intestate laws of Florida If there is no will, then the business control issues are determined by the intestate laws of Florida. Intestate laws favor […]

What Provisions Should Your Will Include if You Have Your Own Business? – Lulich & Attorneys

What Provisions Should Your Will Include if You Have Your Own Business? – Lulich & Attorneys Small Business Owners: Include These Will Provisions Many documents can help business owners plan for their death. If you don’t have a will, click here to find out what will happen to your business upon your death. Trusts, buy-sell agreements, partnership agreements, and other legal documents can determine who owns or runs your business. Benefits […]