
Florida’s Right to Refuse a Gift

Florida’s Right to Refuse a Gift Florida’s Right to Disclaim In Florida, the law presumes that the recipient wants a gift unless they act to otherwise refuse a gift. If you do act to refuse a gift, you are disclaiming or refusing a gift or inheritance. This may be done for a variety of reasons: it may be worthless property, liability […]

Florida’s Protection of the Family in an Estate

Florida’s Protection of the Family in an Estate Florida’s Protection of the Family after a Family members Death In Florida, there are 5 distinct statutory/constitutional protections for surviving spouses and children. The law specifically provides for surviving spouses and minor children Under the first protection: Elective Share, the law mandates a forced share of the estate for your surviving spouse. Specifically, in situations […]

Reasons to have a will in place – Lulich Attorneys

Reasons to have a will in place – Lulich Attorneys There are few certainties in life, but dying is unfortunately one of them. For many families, death can take them by complete surprise, while some may be a little bit more prepared. What comes after a loved one’s passing is never easy, but having a will in place can make the mourning process go a […]

What Should You Do After a Car Accident? – Lulich & Attorneys

What Should You Do After a Car Accident? – Lulich & Attorneys In 2015, there were over 370,000 car accidents in the state of Florida. In those car accidents, more than 240,000 people suffered an injury of some kind. Despite modern technology making cars safer to drive, injuries are still all too common when people get behind the wheel. If you have been in an auto accident, […]

When Sports can lead to Brain Injuries

When Sports can lead to Brain Injuries Brain injury and trauma from repeated concussions have become a regular topic of conversation in the sports world today. Recently, a host of new lawsuits have been filed stemming from brain injuries due to sports. Former athletes are claiming that the injuries they suffered from playing sports throughout their lifetime have left them with a […]

Requirements for a Florida Medical Malpractice Cases? – Lulich & Attorneys

Requirements for a Florida Medical Malpractice Cases? – Lulich & Attorneys Reports indicate that there are between 15,000 and 20,000 medical malpractice cases are filed in the United States every year, costing hospitals and medical centers hundreds of millions of dollars. Basic Requirements for Medical Malpractice Cases Prove a Relationship: For plaintiffs to prove they were victims of medical malpractice, they must prove that there was […]

Attention Server & Bartenders!

Attention Server & Bartenders! Attention Servers & Bartenders: Under Federal & State Law now permit recovery of wages that should have been paid to you but were not during your restaurant employment as a server or bartender. If you have worked in the food & beverage industry at any time in the past 5 years, earned an hourly rate […]