
The Real Truth about Online Will Companies

The Real Truth about Online Will Companies The Legal Consequences of an Online Will While the offer of a will that costs $69 may sound appealing, you should know the legal consequences of using an online will. If you are interested in a will from an experienced attorney, call our law firm for a will starting at $70. “The possibility of a […]

Can you use your cell phone while driving? -Lulich & Attorneys

Can you use your cell phone while driving? -Lulich & Attorneys Cell Phone Use and Distracted Driving  Each state varies as to what the law is regarding cell phone use. It’s undisputed that cell phone use is one of the leading factors for car accidents. However, one important legal question to consider is in Florida is it legal to drive a motor vehicle and operate your […]

Fatal Car Crash Accidents in the Treasure Coast – Lulich Attorneys

Fatal Car Crash Accidents in the Treasure Coast – Lulich Attorneys This past month has been filled with car accidents throughout the Treasure Coast. A few notable car crashes and motorcycle crashes have been extremely fatal. The death fatalities in Indian River County are at an all-time high for this year. Last year, 23 fatalities were reported from car crashes, with 5 of those fatalities being […]

What are the Statute of Limitations for a Lawsuit? – Lulich & Attorneys

What are the Statute of Limitations for a Lawsuit? – Lulich & Attorneys How long do you have to sue after a car accident?   Each State in the United States has different laws regarding the statute of limitations to file a lawsuit after a car accident. The “statute of limitations” is the law that governs the timeframe that an individual has to file a lawsuit after being […]

Injured from a Fight? – Lulich & Attorneys

Injured from a Fight? – Lulich & Attorneys Can you sue someone if you’ve been injured in a fight? Although most people try to avoid them, sometimes circumstances inevitably lead to a fight. Once a fight persists, it has the potential to escalate very rapidly. One side or both sides may sustain very severe injuries. The question becomes whether you can sue to […]

Did you suffer Emotional Distress in an Accident? – Lulich & Attorneys

Did you suffer Emotional Distress in an Accident? – Lulich & Attorneys Five Ways to Prove Emotional Distress What is Emotional Distress? In the United States, an individual may receive an award if they have suffered emotional distress. This is quite often referred to as “mental anguish” which is when conduct by another person is so horrible, that it causes severe emotional trauma to the victim. What […]

Defamation Lawsuit? – Unwanted Facebook Photo – Lulich Attorneys

Defamation Lawsuit? – Unwanted Facebook Photo – Lulich Attorneys Unwanted Facebook Photo: Invasion of Privacy? Have you ever had an unwanted photo posted on Facebook? While Facebook offers the feature to “untag” the photo, this still doesn’t take the photo off of the social media site. Many people ask whether this is an invasion of privacy? Pursuing legal action is somewhat of a “grey area,” […]

Celebration of Independence Day – Lulich & Attorneys

Celebration of Independence Day – Lulich & Attorneys Serving Palm Bay, Sebastian, and Vero Beach Independence Day July 4th marks the day that the United States finally became independent. Over 241 years ago, we marked our independence from Britain and became THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Two days prior, on July 2nd, 1776, a vote took place to declare our independence. Delegates from […]

Swimming Pool Drowning Accidents Cause Death in Children

Swimming Pool Drowning Accidents Cause Death in Children Drowning Accidents in Swimming Pools Due to Florida’s many waterways and nearly endless coastline, drowning accidents are common in the state. In 2013, Florida saw a rate of 7.54 children per 100,000 under the age of four become the victims of drowning. It is not just drowning in lakes, streams, and the ocean that kills […]

The Importance of Estate Planning Attorney – Lulich Attorneys

The Importance of Estate Planning Attorney – Lulich Attorneys What does an Estate Planning Attorney Do? Estate planning is often overlooked by people from all income brackets. However, estate planning is something that should be treated with more care and consideration than many give it. By failing to plan for the future, individuals plan to fail upon their passing. What is Estate Planning? Estate […]