
FAQS about Florida Probate Law and Procedures

FAQS about Florida Probate Law and Procedures The probate process is very confusing for most non-lawyers. There are terms of art that are foreign to most people. The rules are often unclear. Many Indian River County residents are not sure what the probate court is and what the court does. Florida law is complicated and confusing and your personal property means a […]

Driving While License Suspended Charges in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys

Driving While License Suspended Charges in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys Many people risk driving with a suspended or revoked license because having a car is so essential. If the police learn that you drove while your license is suspended, your license could be suspended for years or even revoked. You could be charged with driving with suspended license (DWSL), a crime that could land you […]

Abogados de pensión alimenticia del condado de Indian River – Lulich & Attorneys

Abogados de pensión alimenticia del condado de Indian River – Lulich & Attorneys Abogados de pensión alimenticia del condado de Indian River Florida proporciona premios de pensión alimenticia para mujeres y hombres en algunos casos. Por lo general, una concesión de pensión alimenticia se debe a alguna forma de desigualdad en el poder adquisitivo entre los cónyuges. Nuestros abogados de pensión alimenticia del condado de Indian River representan […]

Divorcios disputados versus divorcios no disputados en Florida – Lulich & Attorneys

Divorcios disputados versus divorcios no disputados en Florida – Lulich & Attorneys Divorcios disputados versus divorcios no disputados en Florida En Florida, los cónyuges pueden obtener un divorcio impugnado o un divorcio no impugnado. Un divorcio de mutuo acuerdo significa que los cónyuges han llegado a un acuerdo de que ambos quieren divorciarse y han aceptado todos los asuntos relacionados con el divorcio. Los asuntos relacionados con […]

Cumplimiento de los Decretos de Divorcio de Florida – Lulich & Attorneys

Cumplimiento de los Decretos de Divorcio de Florida – Lulich & Attorneys Cumplimiento de los Decretos de Divorcio de Florida Muchos cónyuges que se divorcian entienden que cuando se ingresa el decreto de divorcio, deben cumplir con el decreto y seguir adelante con sus vidas. Normalmente, es más probable que los excónyuges respeten una sentencia de divorcio si la sentencia se firmó mediante negociación, mediación o el […]

Understanding the Florida Partition Process – Lulich & Attorneys

Understanding the Florida Partition Process – Lulich & Attorneys Understanding the Florida Partition Process  Some property owners can’t agree on whether they should sell their property and how the property should be sold. When a buyout or alternative arrangement can’t be reached, a partition action may be the only option. A partition is essentially a forced sale of the real property. One owner seeks […]

Florida Driving Under the Influence Crimes and Defenses – Lulich & Attorneys

Florida Driving Under the Influence Crimes and Defenses – Lulich & Attorneys Florida Driving Under the Influence Crimes and Defenses Convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol have serious consequences. You will likely be sentenced to prison. There are severe financial penalties. If you’re found guilty of a Florida DUI, your driving privileges will be suspended. When you are permitted to drive again, you may need […]

What is a Florida Quiet Title Action? – Lulich & Attorneys

What is a Florida Quiet Title Action? – Lulich & Attorneys What is a Florida Quiet Title Action? A quiet title action is a formal court procedure for determining whether any open claims to title to real property are valid. Anyone who buys a home or real property for a business wants to be sure they completely own the property – subject only to limited rights […]

The Different Types of DUI Offenses and Consequences in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys

The Different Types of DUI Offenses and Consequences in Florida – Lulich & Attorneys The Different Types of DUI Offenses and Consequences in Florida There are numerous DUI-related crimes in Florida. The main criminal offense, driving under the influence, is set forth in 36.193 of the Florida statute. This statute governs the basic definition and the fines and penalties. There are many other related offenses as the Florida Highway […]

Short Sale and Mortgage Modification – Lulich & Attorneys

Short Sale and Mortgage Modification – Lulich & Attorneys Short Sale and Mortgage Modification Many homeowners in Florida fall behind on the mortgage.  While homeowners would like to stay in their homes, that option isn’t always feasible. Outside of filing for bankruptcy, if a homeowner is in default on his/her mortgage, there are limited options. One option according to The Balance is to try […]