Sebastian Lawyer for Real Estate Sellers

On paper, selling real estate should seem fairly straightforward. The buyer gives you the money, and you sell the property. Yet, things aren’t that easy. There are many reasons why real estate sellers partner with lawyers—mainly, to avoid unforeseen complications, like liens, title disputes, and other issues.

At Lulich & Attorneys, our lawyers are available to help you through a real estate sale. A Sebastian lawyer for real estate sellers from our firm can guide you throughout the entire transaction. We offer no-obligation consultations to discuss the circumstances of your sale. Here, we can explain our services, your options, and your steps moving forward. For more information, reach out to a Board Certified Sebastian Real Estate Lawyer.

Our Real Estate Lawyers Help People Selling These Properties in Sebastian

Sebastian Lawyer for Real Estate SellersWe help property owners sell residential, commercial, and other types of real estate.

We can help if you’re selling a(n):

  • Apartment complex/unit

  • Condo

  • House

  • Storefront

  • Parking lot

  • Storage facility

  • Agricultural plot

  • Shopping center/mall

  • Venue

This is not an exhaustive list of the properties we help sell.

Lulich & Attorneys Can Help You Navigate the Sales Process

As noted, selling real estate is a complicated matter requiring great tact. Our team can help you through the entire process, from when you decide to sell your property to its final closing. We have served Sebastian and the surrounding area for over 35 years. This experience has given us the skills and knowledge to handle real estate sales successfully.

We help people sell commercial, residential, and vacation properties. We can help you:

Determine a Fair Asking Price for Your Property

The team at Lulich & Attorneys can help create a list price for your property. We can do this by:

  • Reviewing comparable properties. We can look at comparable properties in your area and look at their selling prices. Our attorneys can determine how many days these properties stayed on the market and explain how long yours could remain unsold.

  • Consulting with inspectors. We work with inspectors who can evaluate your property to identify possible problems. You could possibly fix these issues and then ask more for your property.

Choosing a good property price can promote a quick and smooth sale. Our firm knows the steps to price your property correctly.

Evaluate Potential Offers

You may list your property for one price, then get offers that are below what you’re requesting. When that happens, we can assess these offers and explain whether they meet your financial goals. We can also explain whether your property’s listing reflects its actual value. This allows you to make informed decisions when evaluating offers and moving forward.

Negotiate Any Offers

We prioritize your bottom line when selling your property. When negotiating with potential buyers, we consider your property’s cash value, age, and residential history. We also account for whether the property’s value will increase in the coming years.

Review Any Sales Agreements

As we mentioned earlier, selling real estate is more than exchanging property for money. Some offers come with certain stipulations. For instance, a buyer may want to purchase your property, but not before you make certain repairs. Another buyer may want to purchase your property but only move forward once they sell theirs.

We can review any sales agreements and get any important information in writing. That way, the other party upholds their end of the bargain. It also prevents any complications from arising after closing.

Assistance With Interpreting the Sales Contract

Sales contracts often have a lot of terms that are difficult for someone without a legal background to understand. During the sale of your property, we can explain each aspect of the sales contract, so you’re fully aware of these terms.

We can ensure the sales contract protects each of your interests. Our team can also advise you of your duties and obligations to help you avoid legal recourse after the sale is complete.

Explain Your Obligations

You have rights as a seller. Yet, others have rights as buyers. You have certain obligations when listing your property for sale.

For instance, you must:

  • Disclose any pre-existing issues. If there’s a potential code violation or something that needs fixing, you must share that information with potential buyers.

  • Allow inspections from a qualified professional. Buyers have the right to consult inspectors regarding a property’s habitability.

  • Share any claims against the property. If there are any pre-existing claims against the property, you must share that with potential buyers. This allows them to back out of a sale rather than bear responsibility for any claims.

We want your transaction to go smoothly. So, we help you uphold the obligations you have as a seller throughout this process.

Review Closing Documents

You want to sell your property, hand over the keys, and move on with your life. Months down the line, you don’t want to learn something went wrong with the transaction that needs your attention. Even a simple typo could invalidate a piece of real estate-related paperwork. We look over these documents to ensure that you’ve included the right information to sell your property.

We Are an Attorney-Led Title Company in Sebastian

Both buyers and sellers should consider the value of purchasing title insurance. These policies offer coverage if something goes wrong with a title during the sales process. For buyers, title insurance prevents them from entering into risky agreements, like accidentally buying a property that has several liens on it. As a seller, title insurance offers protection if a buyer backs out at the last minute.

While selling your property, we can assess your insurance needs and advise you accordingly. We encourage everyone to purchase title insurance. Doing so could mean the difference between a straightforward transaction versus months of hassle.

What Should I Do When Selling My Property in Sebastian?

With the appropriate steps, you can sell your property above asking price and move ahead with your next endeavor with no problems.

Yet, there are some considerations when selling your property, some of which include:

  • Identifying any problems with the property. Problems with the property are more than peeling wallpaper or ugly floors; these issues pertain to plumbing, electrical, and structural systems. When you’re upfront about problems with a property, some buyers are more inclined to place an offer. You’re also legally obligated to disclose any issues.

  • Fixing any issues. Sometimes, it’s best to fix minor problems rather than pass them off to new owners. This allows you to increase your asking price and weigh certain offers without worrying about possible dealbreakers.

  • Purchasing title insurance. There are countless things that can go wrong with selling a property, some of which are completely out of your control. Title insurance offers a measure of protection against deals that fall through and other related instances.

  • Considering help from a real estate seller lawyer. Selling real estate is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make. You don’t want to make any mistakes that cost you time or money. When you partner with our lawyers in Sebastian, we manage the nitty-gritty of real estate dealings, so you can focus on your next move.

If possible, we ask that you resolve many pre-existing claims or liens on your property before listing it. Doing so could prevent buyers from having second thoughts about purchasing your property. We also help our clients with these matters when necessary.

What Should I Avoid When Selling Real Estate in Sebastian?

There are two sides to everything.

While you have many considerations while selling real estate, you should avoid:

  • Misrepresenting the property. We know that you want to sell your property as soon as possible. Yet, misrepresenting its square footage, durability, and other factors constitutes lying, and you could face serious consequences if discovered.

  • Lowering your property’s price. If your property’s been on the market for a while, you may think about lowering your asking price. Our team can determine whether this is a good idea.

  • Forgoing legal help. You may forgo hiring an attorney, hoping to save money. In the end, this could cost you sales, time, and energy. Our team has the experience necessary to achieve your real estate goals. You don’t have to leave your property’s transaction to chance.

  • Only considering high offers. Believe it or not, a high offer isn’t necessarily a good one. For instance, a buyer may submit a generous offer but not have the credit or finances to back it up. On the other hand, a buyer could offer just below asking price but have the resources to move in immediately. We can help you weigh offers and advise you accordingly.

  • Ignoring major repairs. You may have a serious problem on your property and think: “What’s the big deal? I’m moving anyway.” If you have the resources, you should correct any issues on your property. Doing so justifies a higher asking price and appeals to potential buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Working With a Real Estate Seller Lawyer

If you have any questions about partnering with a real estate attorney in Sebastian, feel free to connect with the team at Lulich & Attorneys. We can answer questions specific to your situation, so you feel comfortable partnering with us. Yet, we receive many general questions from those in your situation. Some of these questions include:

What Happens if I Don’t Hire a Real Estate Attorney?

While the law doesn’t require people to have a lawyer through real estate sales, it can help them avoid legal matters in the future. Unfortunately, during the sale of property, it is easy to overlook necessary legalities. A simple oversight could cause you a significant amount of money in the future if someone files a legal claim because you did not complete the sale correctly.

By choosing Lulich & Attorneys, you eliminate the risk of having to worry about future litigation regarding the sale of real estate. We can ensure your transaction complies with state and federal laws and that you fulfill any necessary obligations.

Can a Real Estate Attorney Help Sell My Property Faster?

There are no guarantees when it comes to selling real estate. However, our team hopes to make selling your property as easy and straightforward as possible. We do this by interviewing all sales-related paperwork, advising you on your obligations, and protecting your legal rights. All of these things in turn could make for a fast sale.

What Can I Expect During My Consultation With Lulich & Attorneys?

When you connect with our team, you can start a no-obligation consultation where we:

  • Discuss your situation

  • Learn about your selling goals

  • Listen to any case-specific problems you have

  • Explore your options

  • Answer your questions

  • Address your concerns

We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed decision about working with our Sebastian team.

Do I Need a Real Estate Lawyer if I Have a Real Estate Agent?

Real estate lawyers and real estate agents have two completely different jobs.

Here’s what to know:

  • Real estate lawyers deal with legal matters, like liens, foreclosure, and title insurance.

  • Real estate agents determine how to best sell your property through local listings and other means. While they provide general support, they’re not authorized to give legal advice.

We recommend having a Board Certified Real Estate lawyer if you have concerns about selling property. You can partner with our team, even if you’re already working with a real estate agent. We sometimes partner with these professionals to help our clients achieve their goals.

Contact Our Team of Real Estate Attorneys in Sebastian

Vero Beach Real Estate Document Prep LawyerAt our firm, we provide real estate solutions for sellers in Sebastian. Our attorneys can navigate even the most complicated real estate transactions. Regardless of your circumstances, we can help you.

Contact us today at (772) 492-4611. A member of our team can speak with you about your needs and explain how we can help. We look forward to hearing from you and managing your transaction’s legal matters.

Lulich & Attorneys Sebastian Office

  • Phone: 772-492-4611
  • Fax: 772-589-8800
  • Address: 1069 Main Street, Sebastian, FL 32958
  • Hours: M-F 8:30PM - 5:00PM

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